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Crossroads 2020:

Best Practice Soft-landing programs  Taiwan & The Netherlands




台荷軟著陸 & 荷蘭商機探討

活動時間: 2020/ 11/18(三),15:30 - 18:00 (台灣時間)

活動地點:新北市林口區仁愛路二段502號, StartUp Terrace 林口新創園 A6 一樓會議室(丹提咖啡旁) 




台荷加速器這次和TGN一同舉辦 『新創十字路口 - 台荷軟著陸』活動,我們的目標是支持新創團隊 meet up> speed up> scale up的方向,特別邀請到台荷雙方的專家們分享對於台荷雙方軟著陸的經驗和想法。




Time table : (台灣時間)

15:00-15:30:  報到

15:30-16:00:  介紹 台荷加速器 & The Hub2Hub Project, by Steve Huang

16:00-17:30:  串接荷蘭直撥:  Crossroads 2020: Best Practice Soft-landing programs

17:30-18:00:  Networking 自由交流討論

18:00:               活動結束

16:00-17:30TW (9:00-10:30CET):  串接荷蘭直撥:  Crossroads 2020: Best Practice Soft-landing programs


 16:00-17:00TW (9:00- 10:00CET) Presentation on ‘Best Practice Soft-landing programs between Taiwan and the Netherlands‘

Moderator: Valerie Hsu, TGN, Tiger Accelerator

  • Action Plan for Enhancing Taiwan’s Startup Ecosystem, focusing on Startup Terrace, Linkou –David JP Wang, Economic Division Director (Taipei Representative Office (TRO) (on behalf of SMEA, MOEA))

  • Taiwan Startup Terrace, Linkou: your soft-landing hub to Taiwan –Mila Chung, Project Manager (Startup Terrace)

  • How the Utrecht region is implementing the Hub 2 Hub connection, together with Brainport focusing on key enabling technologies? –Jelle van der Weijde, Domain Director Health (Economic Board Utrecht)

  • The Hub 2 Hub connecting Startup Terrace Linkou in Taiwan and the Utrecht Region in The Netherlands to accelerate the internationalization of innovative startups? – Steve Huang: Project leader, The Hub2Hub Project (Tiger Accelerator)

  • Innovex connecting to Taiwan innovation ecosystem, Patty Yen, Director (TAITRA, Taiwan Trade Center Rotterdam)

  • Regional Accelerator Program for Innovation & Development (RAPID) and TBA Innovation Committee by Gordon Chen (Megabank)

17:00-17:30TW (10:00-10:30CET) Panel discussion: to identify the best collaboration between ecosystems through the hubs between Taiwan and The Netherlands by all speakers

Panel Moderator: Heerd Jan Hoogeveen, Director, Startup Utrecht

17:30TW (10:30CET) Closing remarks by Olga Lin (TBA) and Jelle van der Weijde (EBU)

17:31TW (10:31CET) End program


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Crossroads 2020 Softlanding webinar Face



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台荷加速器 Tiger Accelerator - 台北辦公室




M:+886 2 8751 5503#10 (Taipei Co-space 代表號)


Tiger Accelerator Europe in Utrecht

Visiting Address: Jaarbeurs Innovation Mile (JIM) 

Jaarbeursplein 6, 3521 AL Utrecht, The Netherlands

T: +31610894908 


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