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Tiger Growth Forum 台荷成長論壇#6
(2019/12/10, TUE,09:00-16:30)
Health forum "Building future Health together"
大健康論壇 “共建未來健康”

Future Health design needs more human-centric technology and friendly design, based on smart infrastructure, high-level research and data science. The Future of Health Care: deep data, smart sensors, virtual patients and the Internet-of-Humans. Taiwan and the Netherlands can cooperate as regional hubs for developing future health and supporting technologies, including life sciences.

While many people are familiar with Taiwan as a major manufacturer of IT components, its position as a leader in healthcare is less well known. In the International Health Care Index, out of 89 countries surveyed, Taiwan has the best health care system in the world, business magazine CEOWorld concluded in its 2019 Health Care Index. While the Netherlands is 11th. The Dutch medical technology sector reflects the international landscape as Dutch suppliers cover a broad range of technologies and services practically all segments of the healthcare sector.

How can Taiwan and the Netherlands build together on future health from their leading positions in innovations in MedTech and life sciences?


雖然許多人都熟悉台灣是IT零組件的主要製造商所在地,但台灣作為醫療保健領導者的地位卻鮮為人知。《商業雜誌》 CEOWorld在其2019年《醫療保健指數》調查的89個國家中,指出台灣擁有全球最佳的醫療保健系統,而荷蘭是第11位,但荷蘭的醫療技術行為反映了國際格局,因為荷蘭的供應商幾乎涵蓋醫療保健行業的技術和服務。


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【Date & Time】December 10th (Tue) , 2019-08:30~16:30(Start - 09:00)


【Venue】Taipei Tech Arena (TTA)

                       3F/4F, No.2, Sec. 4, Nanjing East Rd., Songshan District, Taipei City (Taipei Arena)
                      臺北市松山區南京東路四段2號 (臺北小巨蛋3樓、4樓)

                      (Metro Green Line 綠色松山新店線,G17 Taipei Arena台北小巨蛋站,Exit 2)


【Moderator】 Dr.Hsu-Wei Fang  方旭偉教授

                                        (National Taipei University of Technology, 國立臺北科技大學 化學工程與生物科技系特聘教授)

                                        (Founder, Biotegy Corporation, 方策科技創辦人)


 08:30-09:00  Reception

 09:03-09:10   Welcome & Opening Remarks

                                09:00 ➟ Opening by Dr. Hsu-Wei Fang

                                    09:03➟ MOST Vision program -focus on international cooperation for startups and innovation 

                                                   /   Dr. Te Yi Chan  國家實驗研究院創新創業推動組  詹德譯組長  

                                                     (Director of Innovation & Entrepreneurship Promotion Division - STPI of NARLabs)

                                    09:10➟ Inviting Taiwan to build Future Health together with Utrecht & The Netherlands

                                                 / Jelle van der Weijde

                                                    (Director Domain Health Economic, Economic Board Utrecht 烏特勒支經濟委員會健康經濟總監)


09:17 - 09:25    Group photo


09:25 -10:40  Health forum "Building future Health together"

                              【Venue】TTA 3rd floor staircase


                                    09:25  ➟ Healthy Urban Living in Utrecht Region 烏得勒支地區的健康城市生活  

                                                    /  Dr. Freek L. van Muiswinkel, PhD

                                                     (Director External Affairs Utrecht Life Sciences, Economic Board Utrecht 

                                                       烏特勒支經濟委員會國際事務總監 )
                                    09:45 ➟Build Future Health together for happiness and welfare  共創幸福健康的未來健康產業

                                                  /  Dr.Hsu-Wei Fang  方旭偉教授

                                    10:05 ➟EBU Health Hub Utrecht and possibilities for startups, existing and new RAPID programs 2020 

                                                     烏得勒支匯聚健康產業對新創企業的機會:RAPID-HEALTH2020  / Jelle van der Weijde           

                                     10:25 ➟Panel discussion 如何建立跨境合作以改善未來的醫療保健?

                                                     How to build cross border cooperation to improve future healthcare?

                                                     (Dr. Fang, Dr. Wang, Dr. Joung, Dr. Muiswinkel)

                                 10:40 ➟ Taiwan Health Promotion Service Industry Development 台灣健康促進產業發展現況

                                             / Ming-Wei, Huang 黃名瑋研究員 & Dr.  Chien-Pin, Wang  王建彬 副院長

                                             (Research Fellow/Vice president, Commerce Development Research Institute (CDRI)


                                     11:05  ➟ Future lab : Dutch Medical EXPO Zorg and ICT  荷蘭智能醫療保健展介紹/ Dr. Valerie Hsu 許秀芳 

                                                  (Tiger Accelerator 台荷加速器、Taiwan Globalization Network, TGN 台灣企業國際化協助網絡)

                                     11:20 - 11:30   ➟ Q&A


11:30- 13:00    Lunch networking 

13:00- 15:30   Access to market through RAPID 2020

                             【Venue】TTA  Room 411 (4th floor)

                             【Moderator】Jelle van der Weijde


                                13:00 ➟ Welcoming remarks    /  Jaap Breugem 

                                    13:05 ➟ RAPID Health Meerkat program : audience is startups with interest in RAPID Health

                                                    /  Jelle van der Weijde

                                    13:15  ➟ TIGER Accelerator support package in Taiwan 在台可提供的服務方案 / Dr. Valerie Hsu 許秀芳   

                                    13:30 ➟ RAPID Health Access to market programs, incl gap analysis進入歐洲市場計劃,包括差距分析 

                                                      / Jelle van der Weijde       

                                    14:00➟ Project of Subsidies & Incentives For Taipei Industry 臺北市產業獎勵補助介紹

                                                      / Manager (SITI 計畫辦公室)

                                                     Entrepreneurship Promotion Division 科技部預見新創如何幫助創業公司

                                                     / Julia  Wan (Narlabs 國研院科政中心)

                                    14:30 ➟ Start Challenge on next RAPID-Health2020: topics and TRL(Technology readiness level)

                                                    / Jelle van der Weijde

                                    15:00 ➟ Alumni pitches testimonial (RAPID-Health 2019 校友經驗分享)

  15:30- 16:30   Networking event -Demo , pitches, matchmaking

Contact Dr.Valerie Hsu /














Chien-Pin,Wang 王建彬

Jaap Breugem.png

Jaap Breugem

Jelle van der Weijde.png

Jelle van der Weijde


Hsu-Wei Fang, 方旭偉


Valerie Hsu 許秀芳




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台荷加速器 Tiger Accelerator - 台北辦公室




M:+886 2 8751 5503#10 (Taipei Co-space 代表號)


Tiger Accelerator Europe in Utrecht

Visiting Address: Jaarbeurs Innovation Mile (JIM) 

Jaarbeursplein 6, 3521 AL Utrecht, The Netherlands

T: +31610894908 


KvK 72308001 

VAT # N859067506B01

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